Saturday, February 6, 2010


In a couple hours, the keys to my new place and my own room will finally be in my grasp! I was actually able to sleep in this morning...first time since I've been here...although I was going to try to go on the group trip to Meadowhall mall. Oh well. I should probably explain to those who read my title with a quizzical brow that I'm referencing a common practice (at least among my roomies) to call jerks "turds." (tee-he-he-he)

Yesterday, Friday, was pretty crazy and fun. The morning was exhausting as all the international students had mandatory orientation at 9am. We were sorted into groups and guided through the registration process for classes. It was a little confusing but all worked out in the end. First I signed up for my 3 English Lit modules: (originally Crossover Lit, The Novella and the Uncanny, and Post-Colonial Lit). When I asked the woman what I thought was a simple question ("So what is my schedule? When are my classes?"), she gave me a confused look and said she didn't know. So I went back to the English "tutor" table to ask them about my seminar and lecture timetable and they told me to talk to the department. What I eventually figured out, something that they should probably mention, is that after signing up for modules the students have to go onto their online class portal and sign up for a seminar time. Of course then I discovered there were conflicts in lecture times between 2 classes so I had to fill out an add/drop form and run it back to the union--twice--because doing it all on the computer is too difficult. The School of English reception woman was very nice and helpful and during my third or second visit she even circled all my class buildings on the map and labeled them.

I went to lunch with Marion, some S. Koreans, and 2 American boys in one of the many eating places in the union. The union is awesome b/c it functions like an actual labor union for students where they can go to deal with issues at the Uni. It's independent from the Uni and mostly run by students. Anyway, I finished up some orientation stuff and signed up for seminars. I'm now taking Crossover Lit, Modern Lit and Working Class Lit. So basically I'll be reading constantly.

Ah my computer's dying and I don't want to try and find my plug so I'll finish Friday later.

see ya!

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