Saturday, July 7, 2012

Big Girl Pants

Happy belated birthday America!  This great time of national celebration is an appropriate one for my much anticipated (cough) return to the blogosphere. Although that is not to say I have been completely absent from the world of blogging, tagging, keywords, SEO, etc. In fact, dear readers, I have been up to my boney little elbows in crinoline and tiaras, experimenting with specialty cocktails, and ogling delectable tiers of buttercream frosting. Enter my wedding-blogger alter ego

But enough about her. As I was saying, the magical day that is the 4th of July (yes, I know I'm a few days late getting this post sue me!) is a perfect day to return to logging my life and observations on Roundabout. After circling the drain like the cliché college graduate that I am, taking internship after internship with the distant hope of a job offer, I finally landed my first job in Washington, D.C., our nation's lovely capital!  It appears I'm a "grown up" now (hence the title of this post). So cheers to you America: you're getting older and you gave me a job when so many others are not as lucky. Also great news, my mom is no longer telling people I am homeless and unemployed. Little things. 

What did I do to celebrate über-America day? Went to a Nationals game of course! Baseball is so American--hotdogs, beer, Cracker Jacks...Dominicans. Ok, well that last one was more in reference to a new baseball documentary--Pelotero--coming out next week. I don't really even watch sports, but I love films about sports and athletes. Not sure what that's about. My first Nats game was definitely a success. I can say that because 1. I did not pass out from the heat, 2. I learned that players pick their own "up to bat" music (awesome!), 3. We won! and 4. The jokes on my Cracker Jack's prize actually made me laugh out loud.

Q: What kind of books to planets read? (Keep reading to find the answer!) 

I won't bore you too much with the details of my job, but so far it's been awesome, stressful, educational, terrifying, exciting, tedious...and that's by the hour. Every week is completely different. During my first week, I found myself standing in Freedom Plaza with signs urging G8 leaders to deliver a smart, food security plan. The day was great until two opposing Ethiopian demonstrations started to get rowdy and burn hats. Welcome to D.C.  A week or so later I was told our intranet system administrator was leaving. Guess who was handed the keys to Sales Force? Yours truly. Apparently I have database genius written all over me. Overall, I'm really liking this outreach assistant gig, and I cannot wait to see where it takes me next. 

Since I know my mom feels more at ease after seeing where I live, I've compiled some images from my new neighborhood in northwest D.C.  No photos of my room I'm afraid...I painted it a pink I'm not entirely happy with but too lazy to change. Enjoy.

Metro: My daily commute

And now the moment you've been waiting for...

A: Comet books!

Later gator.

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