Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I finally got my "free" Milwaukee bus pass which means classes must be starting soon. Somehow this was the impetus for getting back to blogging. I'll admit I drastically "checked out" this summer after I set down on US soil June 30th. Weeks of mixed emotions to follow. And I can pretty much sum up the plan to transcribe my backpacking extravaganza in one word. Fail.

Oddly, this summer "up north" has been hot as [fill in blank; options: hell, balls, the inside of a furnace, Brad Pitt, or all of the above] with Singapore-like humidity. All I want to do is pass out in my swimming suit on top of the air conditioner and avoid my equally hot laptop at all costs. As much as I hate our sub zero winters, this heat is just ridiculous. I am too young for hot flashes.

I have to give a "speech" on studying abroad tomorrow to a room full of bored freshman and even more antsy faculty. Hopefully I can muster some pep and keep the nervous palm sweating to a minimum.

I promise my travels will be accounted for soon. My time in Ireland, Portugal and Germany seem like a dream so hopefully when its verified by social media the trip will seem more real. Until then...stay golden.

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